- BC23
R. Baker and J. Chapman. Responses of juvenile spotted seatrout \emph Cynoscion nebulosus to experimental acute and chronic low salinity exposure. Oral Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- BGR+23
R. Baker, R. Gilpin, A. R. Rodriguez, T. Offner, and J. Cebrian. Not all marsh edge is equally valuable fish habitat: variation in fish community structure across mississippi sound, alabama. Oral Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- BTA+20
Ronald Baker, Matthew D. Taylor, Kenneth W. Able, Michael W. Beck, Just Cebrian, Denise D. Colombano, Rod M. Connolly, Carolyn Currin, Linda A. Deegan, Ilka C. Feller, Ben L. Gilby, Matthew E. Kimball, Thomas J. Minello, Lawrence P. Rozas, Charles Simenstad, R. Eugene Turner, Nathan J. Waltham, Michael P. Weinstein, Shelby L. Ziegler, Philine S.E. zu Ermgassen, Caitlin Alcott, Scott B. Alford, Myriam A. Barbeau, Sarah C. Crosby, Kate Dodds, Alyssa Frank, Janelle Goeke, Lucy A. Goodridge Gaines, Felicity E. Hardcastle, Christopher J. Henderson, W. Ryan James, Matthew D. Kenworthy, Justin Lesser, Debbrota Mallick, Charles W. Martin, Ashley E. McDonald, Catherine McLuckie, Blair H. Morrison, James A. Nelson, Gregory S. Norris, Jeff Ollerhead, James W. Pahl, Sarah Ramsden, Jennifer S. Rehage, James F. Reinhardt, Ryan J. Rezek, L. Mark Risse, Joseph A.M. Smith, Eric L. Sparks, and Lorie W. Staver. Fisheries rely on threatened salt marshes. Science, 370:670–671, 11 2020. doi:10.1126/science.abe9332.
- BFL23
A. Bourne, A. Fletcher, and J. Lehrter. Patterns and trends in chlorophyll a concentration across the mobile bay salinity gradient. Poster Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- Bre22
S. Brewer. Natural capital value of fishers under environmental stressor: a case study of blue crab under hypoxia in the gulf of mexico. PhD Thesis, 2022. Thesis.
- BYP21
S. Brewer, S. D. Yun, and D. Petrolia. Hypoxia and natural capital value of blue crab in the gulf of mexico. Oral Presentation, 2021. 53rd Annual Meetings of Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA), Virtual Conference.
- BYK+
J. Brown, S. Yun, A. Kim, D. Petrolia, and M. Partyka. Regional economic impacts of harmful algal blooms and \emph Enterococcus in florida and mississippi. Oral Presentation. Annual Meetings of Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 4-8, 2023 and Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25, 2023.
- CGW+
J. Cebrian, R. Gilpin, L. West, R. Moody, D. Byron, R. Gamble, K. Heck, Y. Lau, and W. Scheffel. Shallow seagrass versus fringing marsh habitat use by juvenile recruits of fish and macroinvertebrates in the northern gulf of mexico. Oral Presentation. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Conference, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, October 27-29, 2022 and Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25, 2023.
- CLZ+21
Denise D. Colombano, Steven Y. Litvin, Shelby L. Ziegler, Scott B. Alford, Ronald Baker, Myriam A. Barbeau, Just Cebrián, Rod M. Connolly, Carolyn A. Currin, Linda A. Deegan, Justin S. Lesser, Charles W. Martin, Ashley E. McDonald, Catherine McLuckie, Blair H. Morrison, James W. Pahl, L. Mark Risse, Joseph A. M. Smith, Lorie W. Staver, R. Eugene Turner, and Nathan J. Waltham. Climate change implications for tidal marshes and food web linkages to estuarine and coastal nekton. Estuaries and Coasts, 44:1637–1648, 9 2021. doi:10.1007/s12237-020-00891-1.
- CDL+23
J Coogan, B. Dzwonkowski, J Lehrter, K. Park, and R. Collini. Physical drivers of dissolved oxygen variability in a shallow highly stratified estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 2023. In Review.
- CDL+19
J. Coogan, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, K. Park, and R. Collini. Physical drivers of dissolved oxygen in a shallow-highly stratified estuary. Oral Presentation, 2019. CERF Biannual meeting, Mobile, Alabama, November 7.
- CDL+21
Jeff Coogan, Brian Dzwonkowski, John Lehrter, Kyeong Park, and Renee C. Collini. Observations of dissolved oxygen variability and physical drivers in a shallow highly stratified estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 259:107482, 9 2021. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107482.
- DWAG+22
Daniela I. V. Domeisen, Christopher J. White, Hilla Afargan-Gerstman, Ángel G. Muñoz, Matthew A. Janiga, Frédéric Vitart, C. Ole Wulff, Salomé Antoine, Constantin Ardilouze, Lauriane Batté, Hannah C. Bloomfield, David J. Brayshaw, Suzana J. Camargo, Andrew Charlton-Pérez, Dan Collins, Tim Cowan, Maria del Mar Chaves, Laura Ferranti, Rosario Gómez, Paula L. M. González, Carmen González Romero, Johnna M. Infanti, Stelios Karozis, Hera Kim, Erik W. Kolstad, Emerson LaJoie, Llorenç Lledó, Linus Magnusson, Piero Malguzzi, Andrea Manrique-Suñén, Daniele Mastrangelo, Stefano Materia, Hanoi Medina, Lluís Palma, Luis E. Pineda, Athanasios Sfetsos, Seok-Woo Son, Albert Soret, Sarah Strazzo, and Di Tian. Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: relevant case studies across the globe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103:E1473–E1501, 6 2022. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0221.1.
- DD19a
S. Dykstra and B. Dzwonkowski. Predictable to flashy: the intensifying frequency of coastal flooding, northeast gulf of mexico. Oral Presentation, 2019. CERF Biannual meeting, Mobile, Alabama, November 5.
- DD19b
S. Dykstra and B. Dzwonkowski. Predictable to flashy: the intensifying frequency of coastal flooding, northeast gulf of mexico. Poster Presentation, 2019. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13.
- DD21
S. L. Dykstra and B. Dzwonkowski. The role of intensifying precipitation on coastal river flooding and compound river‐storm surge events, northeast gulf of mexico. Water Resources Research, 11 2021. doi:10.1029/2020WR029363.
- DDT22
Steven L. Dykstra, Brian Dzwonkowski, and Raymond Torres. The role of river discharge and geometric structure on diurnal tidal dynamics, alabama, usa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 3 2022. doi:10.1029/2021JC018007.
- Dzw22
B. Dzwonkowski. Underwater perspective of a storm and the potential for forecast benefits. Oral Presentation, 2022. Marine Technology Society, Oceans in Action/Port Security Summit, Gulf Port, Mississippi, March 9.
- DCF+20
B. Dzwonkowski, J. Coogan, S. Fournier, G. Lockridge, K. Park, and T. Lee. Compounding impact of severe weather events fuels marine heatwave in the coastal ocean. Nature Communications, 11:4623, 9 2020. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18339-2.
B. Dzwonkowski, J. Coogan, G. Lockridge, and K. Park. Compounding atmospheric events impacting shelf heat content: implications for hurricane michael. Oral Presentation. Bi-annual Ocean Sciences Meeting, AGU/ALSO/TOS, San Diego, California, February 17, 2019 and CERF Biannual meeting, Mobile, Alabama, November 5, 2019.
- DFL+21a
B. Dzwonkowski, S. Fournier, G. Lockridge, J. Coogan, Z. Liu, and K. Park. Cascading weather events amplify the coastal thermal conditions prior to the shelf transit of hurricane sally (2020). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 12 2021. doi:10.1029/2021JC017957.
- DFL+22
B. Dzwonkowski, S. Fournier, G. Lockridge, J. Coogan, Z. Liu, and K. Park. Hurricane sally (2020) shifts the ocean thermal structure across the inner core during rapid intensification over the shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52:2841–2852, 11 2022. doi:10.1175/JPO-D-22-0025.1.
- DFL+
B. Dzwonkowski, S. Fournier, G. Lockridge, Z. Liu, J. Coogan, and K. Park. Cascading weather events amplify the coastal thermal conditions prior to the shelf transit of hurricane sally (2020). Oral Presentation. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 15, 2021 and AGU/ASLO/TOS Bi-annual Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 28, 2022 and Dauphin Island Sea Lab Seminar Series, Dauphin Island, Alabama, September 9, 2022 and University of South Mississippi Seminar Series, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, February 17, 2023.
- DFL+20
B. Dzwonkowski, S. Fournier, G. Lockridge, Z. Liu, J. Coogan, and K. Park. Hurricane sally (2020) generates a coastal shift in the ocean thermal structure during rapid intensification. Oral Presentation, 2020. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 26.
- DFL+21b
B. Dzwonkowski, S. Fournier, G. Lockridge, Z. Liu, J. Coogan, and K. Park. Evolution of the temperature conditions during the rapid intensification of hurricane sally (2020) over the alabama shelf. Oral Presentation, 2021. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 14.
H. Ehrmann, Z. Porter, and R. Baker. Drivers of inter-annual variation in \emph Cynoscion nebulosus growth in mobile bay, alabama. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, November 6-10, 2021 and Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25, 2023.
- EPB22
H. Ehrmann, Z. Porter, and R. Baker. Drivers of inter-annual variation in \emph Cynoscion nebulosus growth in mobile bay, al. Poster Presentation, 2022. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 25-28.
F. Enyetornye, D. Petrolia, S. Yun, and Z. Chen. Valuation of oyster reef restoration along the gulf coast. Oral Presentation. Annual Meetings of Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 4-8, 2023 and Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25, 2023.
- FL21
M. Fung and J. Lehrter. Examining the algal biodilution hypothesis in mobile bay, alabama. Oral Presentation, 2021. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana and online, December 13-17.
- FPL21
M. Fung, S. Phipps, and J. Lehrter. Long-term patterns of chlorophyll variability in weeks bay, alabama. Oral Presentation, 2021. NERRS-NERRA Annual Meeting, Presented virtually, November.
- FPL22a
M. Fung, S. Phipps, and J. Lehrter. Climate, hydrology, and nutrient effects on long-term chlorophyll variability in weeks bay, al. Oral Presentation, 2022. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May.
- FPL23
M. Fung, S. Phipps, and J. Lehrter. Abrupt chlorophyll increase driven by phosphorus threshold in weeks bay, al. Poster Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- FPL22b
Mai S. Fung, Scott W. Phipps, and John C. Lehrter. Abrupt chlorophyll shift driven by phosphorus threshold in a small subtropical estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10 2022. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.990404.
- GWB+21
Ben L. Gilby, Michael P. Weinstein, Ronald Baker, Just Cebrian, Scott B. Alford, Ariella Chelsky, Denise Colombano, Rod M. Connolly, Carolyn A. Currin, Ilka C. Feller, Alyssa Frank, Janelle A. Goeke, Lucy A. Goodridge Gaines, Felicity E. Hardcastle, Christopher J. Henderson, Charles W. Martin, Ashley E. McDonald, Blair H. Morrison, Andrew D. Olds, Jennifer S. Rehage, Nathan J. Waltham, and Shelby L. Ziegler. Human actions alter tidal marsh seascapes and the provision of ecosystem services. Estuaries and Coasts, 44:1628–1636, 9 2021. doi:10.1007/s12237-020-00830-0.
- GRO+
R. Gilpin, S. Ramsden, T. Offner, R. Baker, and J. Cebrian. The influence of marsh edge and seagrass habitat on summer fish and macroinvertebrate recruitment to a northern gulf of mexico coastal system. Oral Presentation. Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Starkville, Mississippi, April 14, 2022 and Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 26, 2022 and Gulf Estuarine Research Society Conference, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, October 27-29, 2022.
- GRO+21
R. Gilpin, S. Ramsden, T. Offner, R. Baker, and J. Cebrian. Summer fish and macroinvertebrate recruitment to a shallow vegetated coastal system in the northern gulf of mexico. Oral Presentation, 2021. 26th Biennial CERF Conference, November 1-11.
- GRO+22
R. Gilpin, S. Ramsden, T. Offner, R. Baker, and J. Cebrian. The influence of marsh edge and seagrass habitat on summer fish and macroinvertebrate recruitment to a northern gulf of mexico coastal system. Poster Presentation, 2022. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Conference, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, October 27-29.
- HK21
H. Haas and L. Kalin. How important is considering point-sources in large-scale watershed modeling? Oral Presentation, 2021. Alabama Water Resources Conference and Symposium, Orange Beach, Alabama, September 8-10.
- HKL+21
H. Haas, L. Kalin, J. Lehrter, D. Tian, and L. Lowe. A watershed modeling framework to assess the impacts of environmental changes in the mobile bay, alabama. Oral Presentation, 2021. AGU Fall Meeting.
- HKT21
H. Haas, L. Kalin, and D. Tian. Hydroclimatic trends in the mobile bay basin from 1979 to 2018. Oral Presentation, 2021. Alabama Water Resources Conference and Symposium, Orange Beach, Alabama, September 8-10, 2021 and Auburn Research Student Symposium, Auburn, Alabama, March 28, 2022.
- HDKY21
Henrique Haas, Furkan Dosdogru, Latif Kalin, and Haw Yen. Soft data in hydrologic modeling: prediction of ecologically relevant flows with alternate land use/land cover data. Water, 13:2947, 10 2021. doi:10.3390/w13212947.
- HKS22
Henrique Haas, Latif Kalin, and Puneet Srivastava. Improved forest dynamics leads to better hydrological predictions in watershed modeling. Science of The Total Environment, 821:153180, 5 2022. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153180.
- JGW+21
B. Jarvis, R. Greene, Y. Wan, J. Lehrter, L. Lowe, and D. Ko. Contiguous low oxygen waters between the continental shelf hypoxia zone and nearshore coastal waters of louisiana, usa: interpreting 30 years of profiling data and three-dimensional ecosystem modeling. Oral Presentation, 2021. 26th Biennial CERF Conference, November 1-11.
- LFL23
N. LaBon, A. Fletcher, and J. Lehrter. Patterns and trends in nutrient concentrations across mobile bay salinity gradient. Oral Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- Leh20
J. Lehrter. Building resilience for oysters, blue crab, and spotted trout to environment trends and variability. Oral Presentation, 2020. Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, August.
- Leh21a
J. Lehrter. Satellite earth image products applied to development of regulatory water quality standards. Oral Presentation, 2021. NASA PACE Applications Workshop, Presented online, September 16.
- Leh21b
J. Lehrter. Update on the oybcst project. Oral Presentation, 2021. Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, January.
- Leh23
J. Lehrter. Water quality trends in coastal alabama and implications for coastal restoration and management. Oral Presentation, 2023. Alabama Coastal Foundation Sustainability Summit, Mobile, Alabama, January 27.
- LF22a
J. Lehrter and M. Fung. Estuarine deoxygenation trend correlates with increasing water temperature trend and inter-annual salinity variability in mobile bay, alabama. Oral Presentation, 2022. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, May.
- LF22b
J. Lehrter and M. Fung. Long term trends in temperature, salinity, oxygen, and ph in alabama coastal waters. Oral Presentation, 2022. Alabama Water Resources Conference, Orange Beach, Alabama, August 28.
- LLF23
J. Lehrter, Z. Liu, and M. Fung. Water quality is changing in mobile bay and mississippi sound - what are the mechanisms and what are our options? Oral Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- LDL+23
Z Liu, B Dzwonkowski, JC Lehrter, LL Lowe, and Coogan. J. Influence of wind on stratification and mixing in mobile bay, alabama, a wide microtidal estuary. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 2023. In Review.
- LDLL21
Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, and L. Lowe. Role of local missing on system stratification: impact of tidal inlets in mobile bay, al. Oral Presentation, 2021. CERF Biannual meeting, Mobile, Alabama, November 7.
- LDL+22a
Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, L. Lowe, and J. Coogan. Influence of wind on stratification and mixing in mobile bay, alabama, a wide microtidal estuary. Oral Presentation, 2022. 12th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Anne Arbor, Michigan, June 28-July 1.
- LDL+22b
Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, L. Lowe, and J. Coogan. Role of short term nonextreme wind on hypoxia evolution in a shallow stratified estuary - mobile bay, al. Oral Presentation, 2022. AGU/ASLO/TOS Bi-annual Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 28.
- LDL+20
Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, D. Ralston, L. Lowe, and J. Coogan. Physical-biogeochemical response to climate change and sea level rise in the mobile bay, alabama. Poster Presentation, 2020. AGU Fall Meeting.
- LLDL21
Z. Liu, J. Lehrter, B. Dzwonkowski, and L. Lowe. Towards comprehensive ecosystem modeling in response to climate change in mobile bay, al. Oral Presentation, 2021. AGU Fall Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, December 13.
- LLDL22a
Z. Liu, J. Lehrter, B. Dzwonkowski, and L. Lowe. Development of a cross-scale hydrodynamical model for perdido bay. Oral Presentation, 2022. Alabama Water Resources Conference, Orange Beach, Alabama, August 28.
- LLDL22b
Z. Liu, J. Lehrter, B. Dzwonkowski, and L. Lowe. Physical-biogeochemical response to climate change in mobile bay, al. Oral Presentation, 2022. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 26.
- LLDL23
Z. Liu, J. Lehrter, B. Dzwonkowski, and L. Lowe. Influences of future changes in watershed on estuarine hydrography: a case study of wolf- perdido bay. Oral Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- LLD+22
Zhilong Liu, John Lehrter, Brian Dzwonkowski, Lisa L. Lowe, and Jeff Coogan. Using dissolved oxygen variance to investigate the influence of nonextreme wind events on hypoxia in mobile bay, a shallow stratified estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11 2022. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.989017.
- ML23
C. Mikolaitis and J. Lehrter. An exploration of heavy metal contamination and salinity synergies on mobile delta submerged grasses. Poster Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- MLSC21
C. P. Mikolaitis, J. C. Lehrter, T. D. Sherman, and S. M. Ní Chadhain. Effect of cadmium and salinity stressor synergy on \emph Vallisneria neotropicalis. Oral Presentation, 2021. SETAC North America 42nd Annual Meeting, Presented online, November 14-18.
- OGC+22a
T. Offner, R. Gilpin, K. Chenier, J. Cebrian, and E. Sparks. Temporal and habitual assemblage of nekton community in back bay. Oral Presentation, 2022. SE CASC Symposium, Gulf Shores, Alabama, September 19-21.
- OGC+22b
T. Offner, R. Gilpin, K. Chenier, J. Cebrian, and E. Sparks. Use of fringing marsh and adjacent submerged landscape habitat by nekton in a gulf of mexico tidal mesohaline environment. Oral Presentation, 2022. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Conference, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, October 27-29.
- PPHM23
J. Plumlee, S. Powers, J. Herrmann, and J. Mareska. Heatwave duration correlates with the poor recruitment of oysters in alabama coastal waters. Oral Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- SLD+23a
H Sreeshylam, Z. Liu, B Dzwonkowski, JC Lehrter, LL Lowe, and J Coogan. Enhancing model temperature estimations in mobile bay, al and adjacent shelf region. Ocean Modelling, 2023. In Prep.
- SLD+23b
H. Sreeshylam, Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, and J. Coogan. Rapid changes in tropical cyclone intensities over the coastal ocean: a global perspective. Poster Presentation, 2023. Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25.
- SLD+
H. Sreeshylam, Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. Lehrter, L. Lowe, and J. Coogan. Lateral dynamics in an estuary with a narrow, deep ship channel and wide, shallow shoals: mobile bay, alabama. Poster Presentation. Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, Pensacola, Florida, November 4-6, 2022 and Bays and Bayous Biennial Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, January 24-25, 2023.
- SLD+21
H. Sreeshylam, Z. Liu, B. Dzwonkowski, J. C. Lehrter, L. Lowe, and M. Fung. The influence of a novel salinity-based solar attenuation algorithm on modeled temperature in mobile bay. Oral Presentation, 2021. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 16.
- TSL+22
Bijoychandra S. Takhellambam, Puneet Srivastava, Jasmeet Lamba, Ryan P. McGehee, Hemendra Kumar, and Di Tian. Temporal disaggregation of hourly precipitation under changing climate over the southeast united states. Scientific Data, 9:211, 5 2022. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01304-7.
- TSL+23
Bijoychandra S. Takhellambam, Puneet Srivastava, Jasmeet Lamba, Ryan P. McGehee, Hemendra Kumar, and Di Tian. Projected mid-century rainfall erosivity under climate change over the southeastern united states. Science of The Total Environment, 865:161119, 3 2023. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161119.
- Tia22
D. Tian. Ai-driven environmental analytics for data-informed climate adaptation and resilience. envisioning 2050 in the southeast: ai-driven innovations in agriculture. Oral Presentation, 2022. Auburn, Alabama, March 9-11.
- WT21a
F. Wang and D. Tian. On deep learning bias correction for gcms daily temperature outputs. Poster Presentation, 2021. 3rd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, Colorado, September 13-17.
- WTC22
F. Wang, D. Tian, and M. Carroll. Customized deep learning for precipitation bias correction and downscaling. Poster Presentation, 2022. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 12-16.
- WTL+20
F. Wang, D. Tian, L. Lowe, L. Kalin, J. C. Lehrter, and B. Dzwonkowski. Deep learning for daily precipitation and temperature downscaling. Poster Presentation, 2020. AGU Fall Meeting.
- WT21b
F. Wang and Di Tian. Bias correction of multi-model gcms daily temperature based on deep learning. Oral Presentation, 2021. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 13-17.
- WT22a
F. Wang and Di Tian. On deep learning-based bias correction and downscaling of multiple climate models simulations. envisioning 2050 in the southeast: ai-driven innovations in agriculture. Oral Presentation, 2022. Auburn, Alabama, March 9-11.
- WT22b
Fang Wang and Di Tian. On deep learning-based bias correction and downscaling of multiple climate models simulations. Climate Dynamics, 59:3451–3468, 12 2022. doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06277-2.
- WTC23
Fang Wang, Di Tian, and Mark Carroll. Customized deep learning for precipitation bias correction and downscaling. Geoscientific Model Development, 16:535–556, 1 2023. doi:10.5194/gmd-16-535-2023.
- WTL+21
Fang Wang, Di Tian, Lisa Lowe, Latif Kalin, and John Lehrter. Deep learning for daily precipitation and temperature downscaling. Water Resources Research, 4 2021. doi:10.1029/2020WR029308.
- WPP23
J. Wilson, J. Plumlee, and S. Powers. Oyster population health across dynamic environmental gradients in mobile bay, alabama. Poster Presentation, 2023. Annual Meeting of the Alabama Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Gulf Shores, Alabama, January 24-25 January.
- YPB22
S. Yun, D. Petrolia, and S. Brewer. Economic valuation of hypoxia impacts on blue crab fisheries in the gulf of mexico. Oral Presentation, 2022. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 25-28.
- ZBC+21
Shelby L. Ziegler, Ronald Baker, Sarah C. Crosby, Denise D. Colombano, Myriam A. Barbeau, Just Cebrian, Rod M. Connolly, Linda A. Deegan, Ben L. Gilby, Debbrota Mallick, Charles W. Martin, James A. Nelson, James F. Reinhardt, Charles A. Simenstad, Nathan J. Waltham, Thomas A. Worthington, and Lawrence P. Rozas. Geographic variation in salt marsh structure and function for nekton: a guide to finding commonality across multiple scales. Estuaries and Coasts, 44:1497–1507, 9 2021. doi:10.1007/s12237-020-00894-y.
- zEDG+21
Philine S. E. zu Ermgassen, Bryan DeAngelis, Jonathan R. Gair, Sophus zu Ermgassen, Ronald Baker, Andre Daniels, Timothy C. MacDonald, Kara Meckley, Sean Powers, Marta Ribera, Lawrence P. Rozas, and Jonathan H. Grabowski. Estimating and applying fish and invertebrate density and production enhancement from seagrass, salt marsh edge, and oyster reef nursery habitats in the gulf of mexico. Estuaries and Coasts, 44:1588–1603, 9 2021. doi:10.1007/s12237-021-00935-0.